Our Mission

The mission of Cheraw’s First United Methodist Church is ”To win and nurture souls for Jesus Christ by sharing and living the message of salvation.”

Our Beliefs

The beliefs of United Methodists are rooted in the convictions and ministries of two brothers who were priests in the Church of England.  John and Charles Wesley were the sons of an Anglican minister who briefly preached in the American colonies prior to the Revolutionary War.  They founded the Methodist movement which is derived from evangelical convictions and a determination to put faith into action.

As Methodists, we believe in God the Father, creator of all things.  We believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and know that all believers are called to not only speak of Christ and worship him but also to continue Christ’s ministries in every corner of the globe.  We are strengthened and guided for ministry by the ongoing presence of the Holy Spirit, the spirit of the risen Lord Jesus.

United Methodists practice two sacraments:  Holy Baptism in which one renounces sin and the evil powers of the world and pledges loyalty to Christ and Holy Communion which is a ritual act of holy and intimate sharing open to all in attendance, making us one with Jesus Christ and part of his body, the church.

For more information about the faith and ministries of United Methodists, you may access the denominational web site at www.umc.org

Our History

Methodists have lived in Cheraw since before pioneer bishop Francis Asbury made his first visit to South Carolina in 1785 and led worship at Old St. David’s Episcopal Church.  First Methodist’s initial services were held in 1822 at the present site where the current sanctuary was constructed in 1851.  The structure, like much of the town, survived the Union occupation by Sherman’s forces in 1865.  In 1907 its side galleries were removed and a choir loft was added.  The sanctuary was again renovated and expanded in 1960.  Space for education, a pre-school and nursery and for other ministries have been added with the most recent expansion completed in 1999.  The church’s parsonage, over a century old, is located nearby in the Cheraw Historic District and has been in continuous use since 1919.

As a congregation we cherish our history and at Annual Conference in 2011 received the Herbert Hucks Award for Historical Preservation and Interpretation.



First United Methodist Church
117 3rd Street
Cheraw, SC 29520

Phone: (843) 537-7002
Fax:     (843) 537-7220
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