Cheraw First United Methodist Church
To win and nurture souls for Jesus Christ by sharing and living the message of salvation.

The Mats Project meets at the church each Tuesday morning from 10:30 until noon to weave sleeping mats for the homeless from plastic bags which would otherwise go to the landfill. Join this group as they take a couple hours each week to care for the homeless in our community.
We’ll gather together in the fellowship hall on Sunday, November 19th for soups, sandwiches, cornbread and beverages as we celebrate this season of thanksgiving.
Martha Starling was presented the Roy L Smith Humanitarian Award for 2023 for her many efforts on behalf of various missions of the church. The annual award was presented by Zenda Rushing (left) and daughter Kim who was present to honor her mother.
First Methodist is again this year sponsoring two efforts to bring the Christmas spirit to children who might otherwise not experience the joys and meaning of the season. Shepherd’s Child is a Christmas party for underprivileged local children providing gifts, food and seasonal activities for fifty local youth. You can shop for a child whose name you will be provided or you can made a donation and the church will do the shopping. The Samaritan’s Purse Christmas Child is a worldwide effort to provide Christmas gifts to children in over 100 countries. You can pask a shoebox yourself or make …
A new series of these grief recovery support groups will begin on Wednesday, September 6th at 10:30 am in the church parlor. For more information contact Bonnie Cundiff or the church office at 537-7002.
A Back to School pool party for all FUMC youth and fireflies will be held this coming Sunday afternoon (Aug 27) from 2 ’til 5 at the home of Todd and Allison Becker. Pizza, drinks and dessert will be served.
If you are interested in serving as a lay reader at First Methodist, please contact the church office for more information on this service to your church. No need to have the credentials of a James Earl Jones or Morgan Freeman, just a willingness to participate and occasionally lead in the worship service.
Join the membership of First United Methodist Church, in its two hundred and third year, each Sunday morning beginning with Sunday School at 10 am and followed by the worship service at 11 am.
Members of the Missions Team are inviting others to join them on Tuesday, July 25th from 10:30-noon in the fellowship hall as they craft sleeping mats for those in our community not fortunate enough to have other sleeping accommodations.
A “meet and greet” was held in the fellowship hall this Sunday morning providing FUMC members an opportunity to meet their new pastor. Select “Video Sermon Archive” to view Pastor Keith Stewart’s message on his first Sunday at First Methodist Cheraw.
The FUMC family welcomes the Rev. Keith Stewart and wife Tina to Cheraw where they will begin serving their new appointment and Pastor Keith will preach his first sermon on Sunday, July 2nd.
On Tuesday, June 27th at 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall, bring a side dish, salad or dessert (entrees and beverages will be provided) as we honor Debra and Mark on their last week with us…until we meet again.
First Methodist is in need of drivers willing to provide a ride for one of our members to and from an appointment. If you are willing to help or if you need a ride, please contact the church office at (843) 537-7002.
Following several months of planning and research by the Child Development Ministry and meetings with the Church Council, a reasonable plan for a sustainable and successful child care operation was approved at the group’s April 23rd meeting. The search for a Child Care Director would begin immediately with the hope of employing necessary staff for an opening date projected as early as August. Patty Fisher and her child development team are to be commended for their tireless efforts in returning this service and mission to our community.
The March 26 church-wide meeting held at 2 pm in the FUMC sanctuary reviewed the events surrounding the recent decision of the Church Council not to enter the Local Church Discernment Process which would have led to a vote last month by the church members on whether to leave the United Methodist denomination. The video is available in two parts and accessible by clicking on the Resources tab and then selecting “Church-wide Q&A” (the first two items in the listing displayed.
All members of First United Methodist Church are invited to attend a church-wide meeting at 2pm on March 26th in the sanctuary. At this meeting, information will be provided on the South Carolina UMC’s Local Church Discernment Process and the FUMC Church Council’s January 22, 2023 decision not enter the process at this time. Following a brief presentation, time will be available for answering questions previously submitted. Please send your questions by email to or questions may be submitted anonymously by addressing them to John Wagnon and mailing them to the church at 117 Third Street Cheraw SC. Please submit your questions by Wednesday, …
Church-wide informational meeting on UMC’s Discernment Process to be held March 26 Read More »
This murder mystery dinner party features “Murder & Mayhem at the Teen Idol Awards” where the audience can participate in solving the “Teen Idol” murder and enjoy a dinner hosted by the FUMC Youth and Fireflies. This event takes place Saturday, March 25th at 5 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Tickets are $25 and are available ONLY at the church office until March 11. Advance ticket purchase only, NOT available at the door.
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