MASH Steps to Certification

mash sober housing

A policy and practice that residents be informed of payments from 3rd party payers for any fees paid on their behalf. A policy and practice documenting that a resident is fully informed regarding refund policies prior to the individual entering into a binding agreement. We are active from the local to the state level, continuously advocating for the rights of sober home residents and operators.

B. Core Principle: Uphold Residents’ Rights

mash sober housing

All MASH-certified sober homes follow the National Alliance for Recovery Residences (NARR) standards and have been independently inspected. 27.d Documentation that residents are formally linked with the community such as job search, education, family services, health and/or housing programs. Transition (e.g. entry, phase movement and exit) rituals promote residents’ sense of belonging and confer progressive status and increasing opportunities within the recovery living environment and community. We regularly inspect all member sober homes to ensure safety, quality, and the building of a community of recovery. Barracks Alcohol Use Disorder 22 offers a safe, sober environment for adult men recovering from alcohol and substance misuse. Residents participate in weekly in-house meetings, random urine screens, and 12-step or other group-format meetings according to the level of support each resident requires.

mash sober housing

Sober Men’s Community in Taunton, MA

mash sober housing

Policies protecting resident and community privacy and confidentiality. Prior to the initial acceptance of any funds, the operator must inform applicants of all fees and charges for which they will be responsible. This information needs to be in writing and signed by the applicant. Written permission from the property owner of record (if the owner is other than the sober home operator) to operate a sober home on the property. We promote and enforce the SAMHSA recognized National Alliance for Recovery Residences standards.

mash sober housing

The MASH Rent Assistance Program (RAP) funding has been committed and the application is closed to new applicants.

An increase in beds will require an additional inspection to the sober home. Policy and procedures that address residents’ prescription and non-prescription medication usage and storage consistent with the residence’s level and with relevant state law. Evidence that supervisors (including top management) create a positive, productive work environment for staff.

  • Verification that entertainment or recreational areas and/or furnishings promoting social engagement are provided.
  • Massachusetts Alliance for Sober Housing (MASH) serves as the primary agency for accountability of all certified homes in Massachusetts.
  • Sober homes provide mutual support, emphasize independent living skills, and depend on peer leadership.

Policy regarding smoke‐free living environment and/or designated smoking area outside of the residence. Verification that a meeting space is large enough to accommodate all residents. Verification that each resident has food storage space.

» Steps to Certification

Massachusetts Alliance for Sober Housing (MASH) serves as the primary agency for accountability of all certified homes in Massachusetts. Successful sober homes establish and reinforce healthy lifestyles, mash certified sober homes provide a safe and stable place to live, conduct meaningful activities, and build relationships and social networks for support. Through our network of certified sober housing and empirically based recovery principles, MASH’s goal is to help create and foster these safe living environments for those with substance use disorders. In 2011, the National Alliance for Recovery Residences (NARR) established national standards for recovery residences (including sober housing).

  • 27.e Documentation that resident and staff engage in community relations and interactions to promote kinship with other recovery communities and goodwill for recovery services.
  • 27.d Documentation that residents are formally linked with the community such as job search, education, family services, health and/or housing programs.
  • Grievance policy and procedures, including the right to take grievances that are not resolved by the house leadership to the operation’s oversight organization for mediation.
  • If there are any changes to the sober home policies or sober home management, please notify MASH to update our files.
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