Salkehatchie Summer Service is a pioneering servant ministry at selected sites in South Carolina involving high school and college age youth, adult community leaders and persons of different cultures in upgrading housing, motivating community cooperative efforts by helping persons to help themselves, and providing all participants with opportunities for personal growth and service. As a ministry of the South Carolina United Methodist Conference, participants are drawn from across the state and must be at least 14 years old by the beginning of the camp they attend.
Since 1999 FUMC has been represented by youth and adults from our church lending their energy and efforts to repair the spirit and shelter of those less fortunate. In the summer of 2011 our ambassadors participated in two camps, sending approximately 20 youth and adults to follow Jesus’ example of serving others at locations in Anderson and Marlboro counties. The participants always return feeling exhausted but fulfilled, having received the biggest blessing of all as their faith and personal relationships grow stronger during this week.