Author name: JohnWagnon

Standing on the promises of God

Pastor Debra Armstrong continues her series on the attributes of a Christian as recounted by the apostle Paul. To view this sermon click on the tab above labeled “Video Sermon Archives” and select the entry entitled “Walk Like an Ephesian: Standing Firm”

Mathematics in the Kingdom of God

The power of Christianity, as Mark tells us, is in its ability to multiply the deeds and actions of a few to the benefit of the masses. To view Pastor Armstrong’s message on this feature of our faith, click on the tab above labeled “Video Sermon Archive” and click on July 25.

Our freedoms…and responsibilities

On this day when we as Americans celebrate our freedoms, pastor Debra Armstrong reminds us of our freedoms and responsibilities as Christians. To view this sermon, click on the tab above labeled “Video Sermon Archive” and then select the service for July 4th.

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