Red Bird Mission set for late October, spaghetti fundraiser this Sunday

The annual Red Bird Mission Trip in the Appalachian region of southeastern Kentucky is scheduled for October 20 – 26.  This year’s participants solicit your prayers and would appreciate your financial support as they prepare to depart for their outreach ministry in providing housing improvement in the community of Red Bird.  The Missions Team will be sponsoring a Spaghetti Lunch on Sunday, September 15. The proceeds from this lunch will go toward the Red Bird Mission Trip.   Since this will be Genesis Sunday, lunch will be served at 11am and at noon.  Plan now to attend and financially support our members who will participate in this mission:  John Moore, Pal Moore, Jerry Therrell, Bill Stubbs, Wilford Goforth, Bonnie Williams, Billy Lynch, Mary Lynch, Donald Therrell, Denise Therrell, Richard Stafford, and Willie Roberts.





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