The last in a series…

This is my final Pastor’s Reflection for “The Connection,” and I feel some real sadness as I write to you and continue my preparations to leave Cheraw. I love the United Methodist Church and know that our system of itinerancy for the clergy is an excellent and theologically sound way to deploy the clergy. But I would be less-than-honest if I claimed that moving doesn’t cause me some pain.

You and I have worked side by side. We have gone through trying times together. We have celebrated many great things together these past five years. We have worshiped and prayed together.

Our camaraderie is a gift from God, but friendship and shared experiences do bring on sorrow when we have to part ways. There’s no way around it!

I have a boat-load of good memories to take with me as my ministry continues in McCormick, South Carolina. You embraced me as soon as I arrived five years ago, and you have been good and faithful to me. I appreciate each of you – the people of First United Methodist Church!

As you go through your own transition and welcome a new pastor and parsonage family, you will be in my prayers. Kurt McPherson is a fortunate person! He gets to live in a great town and serve a great congregation! I wish I could be a “fly on the wall” and watch him and his family as they discover the great strengths of this town and this congregation. They are going to smile and smile at what you and Cheraw have to offer!

Blessings on each of you! And I hope to see you in church two more times – June 16 and June 23.

Paul Wood

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