Methodists Form Own Bucket Brigade

Cleaning buckets and health kits are practical gifts we can provide to the victims of the October storm. The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) distributes cleaning buckets and health kits mainly to flood victims. Since the storm, UMCOR has given away almost all of the 19,000 buckets it had on hand, and many more are needed.

Churches around the Hartsville District are assembling cleaning buckets and health kits. The lists of contents are available in the church office or by going to Please bring your buckets and cleaning kits to the church office. They will be taken to the SC United Methodist Center in Columbia as soon as possible.

You may also wish to support UMCOR’s response to the victims of the storm. Our One Great Hour of Sharing offering (taken each year in March) provides for the administrative and staff expenses of UMCOR. Therefore, every dollar we give to disaster relief goes to…. disaster relief! Please be generous. Simply designate part of your offering today to UMCOR Hurricane 2012. This coming week your gift will be conveyed to UMCOR. Thank you!

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