The time has come…

“When are we getting a new church directory?” I have heard that question many a time the past couple of years. Now the time has come for us to have a brand new book of faces, phone numbers, addresses, and even email addresses.

We need everyone to participate. I hope no one will be left out of the new directory. Please make your portrait a high priority. You won’t be under any pressure to purchase any of your pictures, but to have one taken for the directory is the important thing.

The company’s name probably doesn’t ring a bell. It is Lifetouch, a very large company based in Minnesota. They have a very solid reputation and have been around for many years. In fact, they bought out Olan Mills last year. We can trust them to do their job and do it well.

Mary Louise Long is our coordinator for the directory. I’m grateful to her, and I know you are, too.

You can now sign up for your sitting. The details will be explained in an automated phone call. Guess whose voice will be on the line? HINT: He’s got “Rev.” in front of his name. Or, just see the last sentence below and you can sign up here and now.

The dates for photography are August 28 and 29 and also September 7 and 8. Watch for details in the bulletin, and listen out for a phone call from You Know Who.

See you in church next Sunday.



And while you’re here… click on the Lifetouch Registration button on the menu bar above and reserve a sitting time for your family during the two days (Aug 28 & 29) when the photographer will be at First Methodist.


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