Discretionary Fund Addresses Many Needs

Friends, I appreciate your continued support of the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund. With it I am able to provide much-needed assistance to Cheraw-area residents. Usually, they ask for help because their power is about to be cut off.  I counsel with these persons and make referrals to agencies such as McArn Community Ministry. You may know that our church now shares confidential client information with other members of CAMAN, the Chesterfield and Marlboro Assistance Network. CAMAN has made this part of my ministry much more productive.

I hold some of the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund in reserve so that I might assist members of our congregation. Otherwise, the fund is now depleted.  If you, your class or your fellowship group are inclined to contribute to this effort, please designate a gift to the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund.  You can be assurred that your gift will address a significant need in our community.        – Paul

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