Four More Years?

Some of you know that I had high hopes that our United Methodist General Conference would approve significant re-structuring of our General Church agencies. Their work is important and none of it should be done away with. But our agencies are designed to work individually with little contact with each other. (Some call these “silos.”) Also, the boards of volunteer lay people and clergy who guide the agencies, hire the executives who run them, etc. each have dozens of members and are very costly for all of us. Just providing for their travel expenses, with members living around the globe, takes many thousands of dollars each year.

Months ago, leaders in our denomination developed the “Call to Action” proposal which among other things would address these concerns. The Call to Action met with opposition, so other proposals were developed. General Conference spent enormous time considering them and finally adopted one called Plan UMC. But then – on the last day of General Conference – Plan UMC was judged by the Judicial Council to be unconstitutional.

Therefore, other than some down-sizing of agencies, we are stuck with the same antiquated “silo” structure for another four years.  I threw my hands up in despair when I read the news! When and how are we going to make progress as a Church while our old-fashioned ways of doing things hold us back?!? Can’t somebody do something?

Then the next day, I came to some new conclusions. Let me know what you think.

*Progress will come only because the Holy Spirit wills and drives it.

*Except through out-and-out revolution, significant change always comes about slowly.

*Except for babies, change is usually undesirable.

*God is in control.

*Disciple-making is still our main objective, and it takes place on the local level.

*The cross and resurrection of Christ prove beyond a doubt that our best days are ahead of us.

See you in church next Sunday!

Paul Wood

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