October 2013

Line Dance Class

The Ezer Sunday School Class is sponsoring a one nite only line dance class for all interested in learning (or broadening) their dance floor skills.  The class will be held in the fellowship hall Sunday evening, Nov 3 at 6 pm and will be taught by Patti Rollings.  Any church or community member (6th grade …

Line Dance Class Read More »

Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world. – Martin Luther

I just finished reading an article from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership which stated that music can be the single greatest factor in determining how people feel in church. The authors, Father Michael White and Tom Corcoran, wrote that music has the power to make people feel satisfied or dissatisfied. It also has the …

Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world. – Martin Luther Read More »

Spaghetti lunch nets $550 for Redbird

The Missions Ministry Team wishes to thank all those who participated in the recent spaghetti lunch which raised $550 to support the upcoming mission trip to Redbird Kentucky.  Your gifts and prayers will accompany the participants in their work October 20-26.

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