Great things ahead…

I have a confession to make: I really don’t dislike Annual Conference as much as I say I do. Don’t get me wrong; it is difficult to sit still for such long periods of time. I am constantly reminded that the mind can only take in what the seat can endure!
But I do enjoy many aspects of Annual Conference. The best part of Annual Conference for me is reconnecting with old friends and making new ones. I also enjoy the worship services. This year the music was wonderful and the preaching was out- standing. Our current bishop, Bishop Holston, can really preach. He is al- ways inspirational and shares funny personal  anecdotes. Bishop Holston is also challenging in his sermons. He wants the United Methodist Church to do great things for God. He wants us to dream God-sized dreams, like the Million Book Effort. He believes that great things can be done toward expanding the Kingdom of God.
So do I. I believe that God wants First Church to dream big and that there are great things ahead in this coming year for our congregation.
What are your dreams for First Cheraw?
In Christ,
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