Raising the next generation of Christians

I just finished one of the most enjoyable moments of my week, conducting a chapel service for our pre-school. I relish the challenge of trying to come up with a brief message that might hold their attention for even a few minutes and inspire them to a life of following God (sound familiar?). Of course, we always conclude with a prayer and sing several interactive songs.
Today’s chapel moment concerned the prophet Jeremiah. The passage of scripture I shared was from the Old Testament book that bears his name. I told the kids that God knew their name even before they were born, the same message God told Jeremiah. I also said that just like the divine message to Jeremiah, God has special plans for their lives and will always be with them.  At last week’s preschool graduation ceremony, I looked around at the children in the sanctuary and wondered what the future might hold for these precious little ones. Would they aspire to greatness? Would any become doctors, teachers, astronauts, or even the president of the United States? How might their lives turn out?
One comforting thought was that our church’s pre-school staff is laying a wonderful foundation for the students’ lives. Every day the kids learn about God and his love. The staff pray with the children and nurture them. Our church should be proud of a preschool and nursery that has such loving and caring Christian teachers and workers.  If you haven’t recently done so, I invite you to take a tour of the preschool and nursery. I also encourage you to remember our pre-school and the preschool board in your prayers.
It truly is a mission for our community and our children are blessed for being there.
In Christ,
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