‘Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord.’

The following letter was received recently at the church office.  It eloquently reminds us of one of our missions as a church and one of our responsibilities as a Christian.  Funds for these purposes are generated through your generous donations to the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund.


Dear Pastor & Friends:

My name is Sandra.  A couple of months back I came to your church for help with an extremely high water bill. The pastor took time out to talk to me with care and wrote a check for $100.00 to help towards my bill which was over $600.00. He was so concerned for me and my family. He even wanted [to] follow-up [to see] if they would give me an adjustment, which thank God they did. I just wanted to thank the pastor and members of First United Methodist Church for their help. May God bless each and every one of you. Enclosed I have sent you a little $20.00 offering to help a little for someone like me who needed help. It’s no much but, maybe it can do something. Thanks again.

Stay Blessed,


PS Please keep me in your prayers.

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