The Celebration of Lent

Lent is the Christian period of preparation and reflection comprising the forty days prior to Easter.  The celebration includes prayer, penance, repentance, almsgiving and self-denial beginning on Ash Wednesday and concluding on the day prior to Easter Sunday…a total of 46 days, however, Sundays are not included.  These forty days of preparation are in commemoration of the forty days Jesus spent fasting in the desert prior to initiating his public ministry.

The Cheraw Ministerial Alliance is sponsoring Lenten luncheons beginning at noon on February 13. Each luncheon will include a devotional message by an area pastor and conclude no later than 1:00.  First Baptist will host each luncheon, and they will continue each Wednesday through March 20. The February 13 devotional will be delivered by Rev. Kyle Henderson, pastor of First Presbyterian Church.

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