New Adult Bible Study Begins January 9

The Means of Grace.  Christians have practiced them for centuries. They have special meaning for Wesleyan Christians such as United Methodists. They are actions we take to make ourselves open to God’s grace.   Some of the means of grace are acts of worship or devotion, John Wesley called them “works of piety.”  They include private and family prayer, searching the scriptures, participating in worship and receiving Holy Communion. Still other means of grace are works of mercy.  In many different ways we serve our neighbor. We seek to do no harm, avoid evil and do all the good that we can.  The means of grace are found in the words found in Mark 12: “you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength…You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”  The adult Bible study at First United Methodist Church begins a New Year with a six-week study entitled “Opening Ourselves to Grace: Basic Christian Practices.” Paul Wood will teach the course.  It is a class for all students and adults, and it starts at 6:30 each Wednesday in the fellowship hall. If you wish to enjoy a scrumptious supper at 5:30, call the church office.  Participants will study two passages of scripture each evening, so everyone is asked to bring a Bible.  On January 9, the passages to be studied are Mark 12: 28 – 34 and John 13: 34 – 35; 14:15 – 17; and 15: 14 – 17.

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