Social Principles discussion leads to lively debate

The subject turned to the Death Penalty the other night at Wednesday At The First. The United Methodist Church in its Social Principles takes a firm stand against Capital Punishment. I fully support that stance and once participated in a march against the use of the Death Penalty in South Carolina.
Just because I am ordained does not mean I must support the official stance. I am free to disagree with it, as are all United Methodists. But for reasons which are moral, religious, and practical I oppose putting people to death, no matter the seriousness of their crime.
Our discussion was lively and somewhat heated, but not enough for anyone to feel disregarded. No one else spoke up in support of my opinion, so it appears that I was the lone opponent of Capital Punishment in the room.
I was proud of the group. Why? It’s because our discussion was so real yet respectful. Like so many subjects, feelings were strong on this one. But no one accused me of being stupid or uncaring. There was no name-calling of those with the minority opinion.
We had real dialogue the other night in the fellowship hall. I hope that our church will continue to set an example in our community. It is possible to have honest, respectful conversation and debate on our country’s most divisive issues.
I’m proud of First United Methodist Church. Let’s keep it up!
See you in church next Sunday!
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