Confirmands Visit Lake Junaluska

Hannah Leach, Kathryn Johnson, Sarah Allen, Matthew Wicker, Alex Lee and Jason Lewis represented FUMC at CONFIRM12

The six members of First Methodist’s confirmation class spent a weekend recently at Lake Junaluska with about a hundred other confirmants from across the two Carolinas in learning and fellowship activities.  The class will conclude with the six confirming their faith before the congregation at the May 27 worship service.

Since the fourth century, Christians have made a distinction between joining the church, often through the sacrement of baptism as an infant, and a later, conscious, public and mature affirmation of their faith referred to as confirmation.  The confirmation class, led by Paul and Kay Wood and Brandon Buchanan, is meant to prepare these young members for the baptismal and membership vows they will be taking by providing an understanding of the Christian faith, the history and teachings of the United Methodist Church and an explanation of the vows they will be offering.

In addition to the Lake Junaluska retreat, other highlights of the sixteen week study include attendance at a worship service of the Jewish faith held at Beth Israel Synagogue in Florence, participation in a Catholic worship service at St. Anthony’s Church also in Florence and assisting with the communion service at First Methodist the first week in May.

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