Paul and Kay To Show and Tell

Paul and Kay are back from their travels in the Holy Land and want to share their experiences.  In the coming weeks they will offers a program or two for FUMC and the community.  Here they pose before the community traditionally known as Shepherds’ Fields in the Palestinian Territory near Bethlehem.  The group cautiously entered a large cave in the region where Paul mused on the possibility of the shepherds of Luke’s Gospel having sought warmth and shelter twenty centuries earlier in this very grotto.

The tremendous diversity of Jerusalem was on display as the city represents a vibrant mixture of religions, nationalities and languages.  Paul and Kay were with a group of South Carolina Methodists led by Bishop Mary Virginia Taylor who shared a view here with some Nigerian Christians taking in the glittering dome of a Russian Orthodix church situated on the Mount of Olives.  Stretching into the background is the Kidron Valley and the Old City.  The branches of an olive tree shade (upper left) cast shade upon the ground where Jesus was found praying prior to his arrest, trial and crucifixion.

Watch here or in the Sunday bulletin or bimonthly newsletter for news of any upcoming programs in which Paul and Kay share their experiences.

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