A Lenten Challenge

Have you ever thought about how accustomed you are to MOVING and DOING?  Many of us, and most definitely Yours Truly, stay on the go all day long.  If our feet aren’t moving, we’re still doing something with our hands.  If we aren’t talking to someone or communicating through some electronic device, then we are still in motion, working, playing, listening or checking out our surroundings.  We may be quite still…almost motionless as we watch something or read something. Our need to be doing something may lead us to FIDGET until we can find SOMETHING to keep us busy.  We are creatures of movement and action.  It’s hard to JUST SIT STILL.

This Lent I want to issue a challenge.  For five or ten minutes a day, preferably in the morning, just sit still, stay quiet and listen to God.  You might keep your Bible and your devotional book on the table so that you will not be tempted to read.  In quiet and stillness, listen for the movement of God’s Spirit.  Watch for the arrival of God.  A few minutes of quiet stillness like this will be very hard for many of us, but I promise it will bring results.  It will put you into the presence of God.

So I am suggesting a unique Lenten discipline.  In place of giving up sweets, or caffeine; in place of skipping a meal once a week; in place of fasting twenty-four hours once a week; I invite you to take on this most challenging discipline.


See you in church next Sunday!

Paul Wood

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