What an Experience!

Our 2012 Confirmation Class formed in January. Since then, the six young people, all in the sixth and seventh grades, have been preparing to affirm their faith in Christ and become Professing Members of the United Methodist Church.  The young people appreciate the interest which members of First Church have shown in their progress and their activities. I think they feel the many prayers which have been lifted up on their behalf.

In addition to class every Sunday after-noon, the group has taken three trips. In early March, we spent a weekend at Lake Junaluska. It was a well-planned, professionally led event called “Confirm 12.” Young people from both Carolinas worshiped together, attended work-shops, visited the World Methodist Council Museum and, in general, had a blast, in the mountains of North Carolina.  Later in March, we were warmly received for worship and conversation at Beth Israel Synagogue in Florence. The rabbi, Rev. Aaron Sherman, and the congregation gladly oriented us to their worship service, showed us a Torah scroll, responded to our questions and even served us wonderful refreshments.

In April, we again traveled to Florence where we worshiped at St. Anthony’s Catholic Church. Father Robert Morey and the congregation were more than happy to have United Methodists in worship with them. After the Mass, he gave us an enthusiastic orientation to Catholic worship. As a former United Methodist, Father Morey respectfully answered our numerous questions and explained some features of their worship life which were unfamiliar to us.

It’s more than prayers which have supported the confirmands’ ongoing experience. We hold class in the Kinsey Mulloy Sunday School Class. Members of Kinsey Mulloy have watched our “grape vine and trellis” grow and grow over the weeks we have used their classroom. Mentors and parents and grandparents have helped with our classes, and, of course, accompanied us on our trips.

All of this will culminate on Pentecost, May 27. Three of the six will receive Baptism. They are Matthew Wicker, Jayson Lewis and Alex Lee. The other confirmands have already received the Sacrament. They are Sarah Allen, Han-nah Leach and Kathryn Johnson. Again, they appreciate the enthusiastic interest of the congregation.  The confirmands’ big day (actually, a big day for all of us) is Pentecost, May 27. I hope to see you in worship that day.

Paul Wood

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