Guided By a Vision…Vision 2015

Several years ago, November of 2009 to be exact, the Administrative Board adopted “Vision 2015,” a strategic plan which was already guiding the church before it was made official.  Vision 2015 has us to focus on ministries with children, youth and young adults.  In that light, one of the action goals was to hire our first fulltime youth and children’s director.  Another was to improve the programs we offer young people.  Another was to create a young adult council.

Through the years we have modified Vision 2015.  But it remains our vision.  It guided the Church Council recently in the Council’s vote to keep funding in the budget for a replacement for Brandon Buchanan.

God wants us to stretch out our ministries, to change with changing times, and to carry the gospel to new generations.  It is a joy for me to see that vision unfold in our midst!  And I appreciate the members of First United Methodist who are so determined to bring Vision 2015 into full fruition.

Paul Wood

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