Mother’s Day appeal for Epworth an annual tradition for South Carolina Methodists

Since 1896 Epworth Children’s Home in Columbia has welcomed children ages 12 and up who come from severely stressed family situations. This residential community provides nurture and love through education, counseling, medical care and spiritual enrichment to about eighty of the state’s most vulnerable citizens. Up to 25% of the home’s annual expenses are borne by the state’s Methodist congregations who also support the on-site Epworth Methodist Church. Click on the tab labeled Epworth above to view a short video about Epworth and forward your Mother’s Day gift to the church office with the designation: Epworth Donation. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Click on the tab above labeled Mother’s Day Service to view Pastor Kim’s message on Mother’s Day (May 10) from the FUMC sanctuary.

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