Wednesday At The First Returns

“I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter what has been hidden since the foundation of the world.” (Matthew 13:35)

Have you ever wondered about the meaning of any of the more than sixty parables as related in the Bible?   Jesus, just as the rabbis of his time, employed good educational strategies in teaching his students.  He frequently recited stories, rich with personalities and images, which carried an underlying meaning not always apparent to his largely illiterate audience.  On the surface these are engaging and memorable glimpses into contemporary life.  Beneath the story’s facade, however, are often found profound and nuanced meaning representing the Christian truths which this teacher was attempting to convey.

Wednesday At The First is an opportunity for Food, Fellowship and Christian Growth.  Following a home-cooked meal at 5:30, Rev. Ken Timmerman will lead an hour of Bible Study.  The current topic of study is the Parables of Jesus.  Alternate activities are available for young children.




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