Being both timely and timeless

When I was young and seminary bound, I was a youth director at Grace UMC in North Augusta, SC. I learned a great deal at seminary, but the practical teachings of my mentor, The Reverend John M. Younginer, Jr., gave me more than the seminary ever could. He taught me about the church.  And beyond my years there, I had other clergy in my life that blessed me with understandings about the church and its people. I learned that what we teach and preach must be timely and timeless. It must speak to our time today and bring a timeless truth that never changes. I learned to do things correctly the first time because “there is no education in the second kick of a mule.”  I have deep appreciation for the relations I have with Mr. Younginer and want to share something he wrote September 20, 1991 while he served as Senior Pastor of St. John’s UMC in Anderson, SC.
The Third Little Pig was Smart!
A manufacturer of bricks hit on a fascinating idea with the billboard slogan: “THE THIRD LITTLE PIG WAS SMART!”  You remember the story of the three pigs. The first built his house with straw, and the wolf huffed and puffed and blew it down. The second pig built his house with sticks, and the wolf huffed and puffed and blew his down.  The third pig built his house with brick, and the wolf couldn’t touch him.  All of us are building, and it is so important that we do the very best we know how by our children and youth to help them build wisely.  A five year old boy lived so near the church in Charleston that the shadow of its steeple fell across the yard he ran and played in every day. He asked Lal one day, “Whose church is that?”  She replied, “God’s.”  He said, “What do you do there?”  And she told him, “We learn about Jesus.”  “Who is Jesus?” he wanted to know.  Some people insist on building with straw and sticks, only to have winds of misfortune and human error destroy them. I like to think that those who come here on Sunday and learn about the Christian life are building a far stronger and more enduring edifice.  It’s the third little pig that is the smartest.   –John M. Younginer, Jr.
To build the church today we must be smart. It takes us all pulling together and loving forward to make a difference. First UMC Cheraw has a golden opportunity to work and create a solid future where those who come to our doors will find exactly what they need to build a strong faith and life. They will learn it from those already here who live and love the work for the Kingdom’s good.
Blessings for the journey,
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