Parson to person

I want to begin by thanking you for being kind enough to share your names with me as we gather on Sundays and meet in other places around Cheraw.  It is helping me a great deal and I appreciate it.  I am enjoying getting to know our church families.  I would like your assistance in the ongoing process.  If you and your family would like a pastoral visit I would like to know.  In a future Sunday bulletin a card will be provided for your use.  Give me your name, address, directions to your home, and the best time for a visit. Angie will help set-up these visits.
Also, if you are in a work situation where you can take ten to fifteen minutes for a drop-by visit I would like to have that information too.  There will be a card placed in a future Sunday bulletin to give me your place of business, address, directions, and the best time for a visit. I would like to drop by for a hello, a cup of coffee, and a brief prayer.
Worship attendance has been good.  It is good to be part of a fellowship that appreciates worship. I can tell you love the church and so many take the study of the Bible seriously. Church School is a great tine for study and fellowship. In the next weeks, I will be visiting Sunday School classes to get acquainted.  I look forward to seeing you there.
Later on, closer to Fall, I would like to use some Sunday School time to meet with each class and ask some specific questions. Those questions are:
1. What does our church do really well?
2. What does our church not do well?
3. What are the hopes and dreams you have for First UMC?

Think on these things and we’ll arrange the schedule for my visit to your class one week to discuss these important questions. Let’s talk about our future together.

Blessings for the journey,


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