The beauty of the season…

Cheraw is often referred to as “The Prettiest Town in Dixie.” Driving around Cheraw it is very easy to see why. I remember coming to town last year for my introductory visit and being blown away with the beauty of the blooming flora amidst the gorgeous homes. Nothing seems as beautiful as an azalea at this time of the year.

Spring always seems to renew my faith in the res-urrection as I once again witness new things come to life. This past Sunday we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ during our Easter worship. Almost 300 people were present in two services as we proclaimed the message that Christ is risen. I personally enjoyed seeing the flowers on the cross, hearing the beautiful music, and being in the presence of so many believers as we celebrated this special day. As someone told me after the 11:00 service, “We should have this every Sunday.” I wish we could.

As I am writing this column, I am busy preparing for next Sunday’s service when we will once again consider the story of “Doubting” Thomas. This particular Sunday is often referred to as “Low Sunday” because we very quickly go from elation to deflation emotionally. Many churches will call it “low” because attendance will probably be lower as well.

I really like the “Doubting” Thomas story and I am very glad it is included in the Bible. I believe it is a reminder
that even though we may have never personally seen Jesus, we can still experience his presence in our lives. As Jesus told Thomas, “Blessed are those who believe yet have never seen me.” We may have never personally witnessed Jesus with our own eyes, but in the words of a great hymn: “You ask me how I know he lives? He lives within my heart.”

In Christ,


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