Observing Lent

After an unusually snowy winter, I am certainly ready for the coming of spring and warmer weather. Springtime in the Carolinas always seems to renew my faith in the providence of God as I begin to see new growth in the flowers and trees and hear the birds begin to sing a new song. That excitement over the change in nature also reaffirms my faith as we begin the 40 day journey we refer to as Lent.  The Lenten season in the church calendar is a period of spiritual and religious preparation observed often through the disciplines of prayer, penitence, and self-denial. This spiritual journey leads us up to Easter Sunday as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and reflect upon what this monumental event means to us as His followers.
Most of us will observe Lent in one of two ways. One way we do so is to give up a favorite food or activity like chocolate or a TV show.  Another way is to take on an activity or practice such as reading a devotional or volunteering for charity work. I am personally marking this Lenten season in a completely different way. After years of giving up things for Lent (sodas, sweets, etc.), I have decided to take up a habit I trust will be beneficial for me and I hope for others. During Lent, every time I look at my watch to check the time, I have decided to say a prayer for someone. You would not believe how  many times a day I check the time!  Whichever way we may choose to observe the Lenten season, it is an opportunity to focus and reflect upon our humanity, sinfulness, and the amazing grace of God.
And remember, the next time you see me checking my watch, I might be praying for you.
In Christ,
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