Salkahatchie Preparations Begin For Summer Service Activities

Approximately 20-25 youth and adults will be participating in Salkehatchie Summer Service over a two week period this summer. We are planning several events to help raise awareness and money for these missions.  To start we would like to ask for water donations (bottled water only) to begin now. You may leave your donations in the church office and we will arrange them into a nice display.  Other fundraising activities are planned:

There will probably be a Sunday lunch after worship —at least once!

A car wash is being planned for April/May.

A pancake breakfast at FATZ’s will be held May 18 with all proceeds going to Salkehatchie.

Some of the money raised will be used to purchase power tools that the camp will need this year. (We will bring them home with us.) Some of the folks who usually go to Pendleton will not be going this year. They will be helping to get a camp started in Wyoming. They are the ones who always bring the power tools. If you have extra power tools that you are not using or no longer need, we would love to help you clean out your tool shed!! Just give us a call and we will gladly pick them up.

Most of all, please begin praying now for the camps, the participants, and the home owners who will be served.

If you have any questions or ideas, please contact Debbie Adams at 623-4153 or Jake Keefe at 843-601-2870.

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