Reflections From the Pastor

Each Cheraw Spring Festival that I have experienced since coming here in 2008, the weather has been nice. Each First UMC Barbecue I have experienced (seven since coming here in 2008) the weather has been nice. I write a week in advance of this year’s Spring Festival and Barbecue, and I hope the string will continue in 2012. Don’t we all?!

Many of us (a hundred, maybe?) will work at the barbecue. There are a lot of different roles to perform and lots of opportunities to serve.

I invite you to stop for a few seconds Friday night or Saturday and look around. Look at the people of First United Methodist hard at work, serving side by side, focused yet relaxed. A barbecue is not worship, but it certainly is the people of God, with our diverse gifts and talents, acting in the service of the Lord.

So just stop for a few seconds. Look around. And give thanks for the opportunity to serve the Lord side by side with your brothers and sisters in Christ. And then get back to work!!

Grace and Peace.

Paul Wood

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