Return on Investment

When Dave Thomas died of liver cancer at the age of 69, America lost one of its favorite pitchmen. He was an ordinary guy like one might expect to see behind the counter of one of the 6,000 Wendy’s stores. He’d ask you whether you wanted the Monterey Ranch chicken sandwich, or more bacon on the bacon cheeseburger. He’d invite you to pump as much ketchup as you wanted (a plus in my book!). He owned the company and he wanted you to come back.  Dave seemed like an ordinary Joe, but he had uncommon business sense. He understood the value of R.O.I. If you didn’t get a RETURN ON INVESTMENT, you’d be out of business before the lard hardened in the fryer. Return on investment is the percentage you earned on cash you’ve invested.
Leonard Sweet in Homiletics says that Jesus is interested in R.O.I. but without the money signs. The Lord wants investments of our lives so there can be a R.O.I for the good of the Kingdom. Once he used a little boy who had five loaves and two fish to bring forth a R.O.I of 5,000 people being fed and staying put to listen to the truth of God as Jesus spoke it.  God comes calling and asking us to use what we have to bring a R.O.I for the Kingdom. Too many times our response to God is:
1. “I have nothing.”
2. “I’m too old for that sort of thing”.
3. “I’m too busy.”
4. “I’m not ordained.”
5. “I’ve got too much on my plate right now.”
God uses what we surrender and brings forth a return on investment for the Kingdom and the church. By the way, your presence today will promise a R.O.I.


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