Memories of Easters past

I remember many facets of Easter as I grew from being a child to an adult.  As Easter approaches, I have been thinking about the many things I have learned:

1. I remember waking on Easter morning to get an Easter basket and being taught that the eggs were symbols of the resurrection.

2. I remember being taught that new clothes on Easter were not nearly as important as a new heart.

3. I remember growing up and learning to love singing “Christ the Lord is Risen Today” and the great celebration that music inspires.

4. I remember pictures of family and the church and the beautiful lilies.

5. I remember thanking God for people like the Reverend Dr. John M. Younginer, Jr. whose ministry taught me about the significance of Lent and how important it is to remember and to relive the journey to the cross and the victory of the empty tomb.

6. I remember the great power of hearing the Hallelujah Chorus sung in worship.

7. I remember the many flowers decorating the Living Cross.

8. I remember the numbers of people coming to worship even when rains were falling on Easter Sunday.

Easter is a great day in the life of the church.  In the resurrection of Jesus, comes the promise of new life and the gift of eternal salvation.  Is there greater news? In the Gospel of Mark, it declares that when those who encountered the empty tomb, they left in silence and said nothing to anyone.  It was Easter silence.  Yet, the world got the message!


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