When in Rome be sure and visit the Sixteenth Chapel

The late Barbara Johnson collected funny sayings and improper uses of words, sometimes called malapropisms.  Here is part of her list: I have included the correct word at the end of each sentence or saying:

Every clown has a silver lining. (cloud)

Run it up the flagpole and see who sits on it. (salutes)

Am I my brother’s beeper? (keeper)

Rome wasn’t burned in a day. (built)

It’s on the fork of my tongue. (tip)

People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw sour grapes. (stones)

While it seems a silly thing to consider…it is true that people often get things wrong.  Long years ago the movie Love Story had a character who said “Love means never having to say you’re sorry.”  How ridiculous, but since it came from Hollywood some folks believed it.  Even with the best of intentions people can get it wrong. Look at some of the things people think are true even when it comes to faith:

God helps those who help themselves.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness.

A little white lie is not truly a lie.

Temptation is a sin.

Some folks believe such teachings to be Biblical and they are not.  It is especially true concerning temptation.  It is not a sin to be tempted.  Human beings will always be tempted.  The “evil one” tempts people to “dream dreams that one should never dream” or pursue avenues better left untraveled, to say things best left unspoken, to love things more than people, to be more interested in our neighbor’s property than our neighbor, to think hatred or anger are positive responses.”

Sin is an action and though tempted to do things that are not in humankind’s best interest…until we actually do what life “tempts” us to do…there is no sin. In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus speaks of “not being led into temptation.”  Temptation is understood to be a “time of trial.” We ask God to stand with us as we are led into the times of trial…and to deliver us from evil.  Jesus provides the strength to withstand temptations by example and teaching.  The challenge is that temptation does not lack thrills and fun and possibilities.  Temptation speaks to where we live and makes us believe that life will be better if we did certain things…even things that go against God’s will and teachings.

Lent is just around the corner and it starts a journey that will ask us to look within ourselves and to open our hearts to the One who can bring lasting change and great conviction.


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