Never saw that coming!

Many of us readily admit, “I never saw it coming!”
1.  In so many fender benders and car accidents, participants will declare, “I never saw them coming!”
2. When the check does come in the mail, we say, “ Never saw it coming!”
3. When we are recipients of a random act of kindness, our response is often, “I never imagined that coming my way.”
4. Even at sporting events it happens. I was at Clemson some time ago for the USC-Clemson football game.  I stood outside the stadium waiting for my friend to come as we were going to sit together. Then and throughout the day I had young people walk up to me, extend their hand and say, “Hope you have a goodgame today.”  Someone would pat me on the shoulder and say, “Welcome to Tiger Town.”  Others would smile and say, “Have a good time.” This happened before and after the game. I never saw it coming! With the rivalry being what it is, I was touched by the sincerity and the class Clemson people have and exude.  Life holds for us many moments we “never see coming.”
But that is not the case with God. As we enter Advent, be reminded that the word “advent” means “God coming towards us.”  The gift of a Savior is something for which we watch. Understanding that God is faithful to God’s promises, we celebrate the nativity annually. God did send a child…God’s gift to humankind. This child, Jesus, revealed the way to salvation and sealed the promise of eternity for those who believe. Some would have declared in those days, “We never saw it coming.” That would mean they did not pay attention nor did they listen because God promised to send the Messiah.
Our task during Advent is to remember God’s faithfulness and celebrate God’s gift in Christ. Our task is also to “watch” for the one who came long ago because he will come again. Its been promised and God is faithful to promises. Between now, and the time God chooses to return, our faith can grow, our service can offer all it can to the ministry of the church, and as disciples we can watch as we wait. It will be sad one day to hear people say, “I never saw Him coming!”


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