Let’s Dare to Believe…


I like Josh McDowell and the way in which he writes and thinks. Recently, he wrote a devotion that lifted up the idea of learning new things. What would you do if you learned:


  • that God created giraffes just so he could make fun of their long necks?
  • that God threw Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden because he wanted the garden for himself?
  • that God once kicked a dog for no reason at all.
  • that when David sang psalm 23 for the first time…God said, Get some voice lessons.

Josh declares that many would respond to such information by saying, Thats bogus! I dont believe that God would ever do those things.I believe Josh is right. We would respond in this way because we do not believe God would do such things as listed above because we know they go against Gods character.

For instance, the idea that Gods name and teachings belong only in the church. The Reverend Ed Young of Second Baptist Church in Houston, Texas, in his sermon You Cant Legislate Moralityspeaks of a moment when it was determined that when a soldier was buried at Arlington National Cemetery that the name of Jesus or God could not be invoked because it was on Federal Property. The church threatened to sue and the ruling was changed. We are promised freedom of religion…not freedom from it.

There are ways to get his word out even in the public arena. It is consistent with the Lords teaching that his faithful are to witness in every place. A few people had the law changed to what it is today, and a few of us can change it to the appropriate use of law if we try. I fear God a lot more than I fear the law. I understand Gods character and nature. Often it is what I know about God that stirs me rather than what I do not know. There are some things God will not do, and one of them is to honor a world that forgets about Him.

Some people today declare that it doesnt matter to God whether we go to churchor worship. People want to disagree with the Creator of Life and being. I believe His Word is supreme. Our Bible teaches us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves for worship.God wants his people to come to worship because Gods people need to express their corporate love for the Savior and learn how to witness for Christ.

It is a daringway to live in times like this. I do not believe the Government can save the world…even ours. I do not believe the voices of rhetoric on the campaign trail represent anything close to the Holy. Yet, people blindly follow like sheep voices that promise them a better life. It also amazes me that a government that is so afraid of religion celebrates a Holiday that was created for purely religious purposes (Thanksgiving Day).

There is always a hypocritical element at work in this world because people are flawed. There are atheists who celebrate Christmas in their homes. There are non-believers who want fellowship and a family atmosphere of which to be a part. But it takes the love and work of a Savior to put people on the right track. Lets dareto believe that it matters to God about the people who come to worship. Lets make an effort to invite our un-churched friends, our neighbors and friends, and those who are inactive in church. Theres a chance for new beginnings and a fresh imparting of the Holy Spirit available on Sunday Mornings.

Lets dareto help influence minds and change hearts for the Savior. Lets dareto offer rides to our invitees and to sit with them and even introduce them to others. Lets dareto do what is in complete harmony with Gods spirit. Lets invite All Gods Childrento the church and expect blessings to descend.

The world is waiting for better and we can provide it by making better people through faith. Daringreally is the way to live…and it is the only way I know to change the world. Then Thanksgiving will have a deeper meaning here in Cheraw.



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