Investigating our souls to discover our commitment

From the time I was a boy I remember Communion as a special time.  I was taught that it was the way we remember a Savior who died for us.  Each time we kneel we honor the Jesus who gave himself to the cross for our benefit.   Today, as a Communion Sunday, is special.  Stewardship is a time we investigate our souls to discover how our commitment to the church takes shape. We will have a word today about that from John Wagnon, a committed member of First Church.  Hear his words and consider your own personal commitment to the stewardship of your soul.
Also, we remember Veterans today in the shadow of Veterans Day, November 11. We are grateful for those who have served this country and stood their post in the name of freedom. I once stood with my family in Arlington National Cemetery and viewed the thousands of white crosses. With tears in our eyes we all acknowledged that “freedom isn’t free.”  There are some who believe that the recognition of military veterans is an inappropriate thing to do in worship.  I do not agree.  War and the need for our military is a reality of life.  I, for one, am proud that my dad was in the Navy at a time when his country needed him.  On this Veterans Remembrance we will ask each person who served in a particular branch of service to stand and remain standing.
We will also have a moment of silence to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.  Worship is about real life. Worship is about following Christ. Worship is about the call for peace…and to “learn war no more.”
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