From one In-Between to the next

Life is a series of beginnings and endings and in-betweens; a series of surprises that keep life fresh and exciting. I shall always be grateful for this Cheraw chapter of my life. The beginning came as surprise—a phone call from the District Superintendent saying, “I know you’re retired, but…”

Now the ending of the chapter is approaching with blinding speed. How does time pass so quickly? And the in-between? Ah, the in-between time! The in-between time has been wonderful! It has been a time of new friendships, growing love, lives shared, and much laughter. Your loving welcome extended to me, Ruth Ann and our family is something that will always be cherished by all of us. It will be one of the special in-betweens of our in-between lives. Thank you! We’re always in the in-between aren’t we? We live in the great in-between whose boundaries are marked by conception and death.

Ruth and I are just a few days away from celebrating fifty years of married life. I well remember its beginning in a sanctuary of a church in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. The doors at the back opened and the most beautiful creation ever imagined by God walked to the front of the church and stood at my side and we promised to stand together until parted by death.  The in-between from June 11, 1966 to June 11, 2016 has been amazing! It has given great adventures, great challenges, and great rewards. And God is not done with us yet! There is more to come!

The family of First Church is poised at the beginning of a new in-between as Rev. Ken Timmerman begins his ministry here on June 26. He, and you, are part of the in-between whose beginning is marked in 1728 and whose end will be marked by Jesus’ return. Together you will live an in-between marked by God’s goodness and powerful presence in the community of Cheraw, giving witness to all as you love another as God has loved you. Thanks be to God for the blessings of the in-betweens!


With great affection,


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