The meaning of Spring

     As I drove through McBee on my Sunday morning journey to Cheraw I was struck by the beauty of the sprawling peach orchards. The trees were in full bloom and it looked as if the earth was snuggled under a pink baby blanket, safe from the   morning chill.
     Some fields along my way were blanketed in purple, the blooms of the travelers’ delight and the farmers’ nemesis, Henbit. Other fields were the striking green of new wheat stalks reaching for the sun. Golden clouds of pollen   billowed from the pines as I made my way through the sand hills, giving my truck a canary dusting. Wild flowers peeked through the blackened, burned floor of the forest proclaiming their resilience. Daffodils clustered where a house once   stood, proudly trumpeting God’s glory on the first day of Spring.  Birds flitted, squirrels scurried, bees buzzed, and butterflies showed off their painted wings. It was amazing! I was surrounded every mile by the Creator’s handiwork, all of it  shouting, “Look what God is doing!”
     It was the day that the Lord had made and I could only rejoice and be glad in it!  “How could anyone miss this?” I wondered. Life – – so strong, so varied, so beautiful, so amazingly detailed and marvelously ordered! God – everywhere saying, “Look! I’ m here and this is all for you!”  How exciting! How humbling…The words of Psalm 8 came to my mind: Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name throughout the earth! You made your glory higher than heaven!  What are human beings that you think about them; what are human beings that you pay attention to them? Just think — this is the One who cares about every detail of my life and yours. The One who loves so extravagantly to shows all of this life loves us even to the point of sending his son show us Life — Life Abundant and Life Eternal!
     Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name throughout the earth!
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