Try an “electronic fast” or other creative way of observing Lent this year

Some people wonder why we observe Lent. Perhaps it is because people are always searching for something more. We become tired of always being on the go. Our lives lack direction, purpose, or passion. We get can get caught up in the everyday drama of school, relationships, family, and work. Our lives become filled with distractions that take us away from living a life focused on Jesus Christ. We attempt to fill the empty void inside of us with television shows, meaningless banter, too many activities or other irrelevant stuff. We find ourselves running away from our very own lives and from God.  The Lenten season is truly a great time to “repent.” It is a time to return to God and refocus our lives to be more in line with Jesus. It’s a forty day period of changing our lifestyles and letting God change our hearts. Many people do this by fasting, service, and prayer. Here are some of the top ways you might observe the Lenten season as suggested by The Upper Room website:
10. Try an electronic fast. Give up TV, Guitar Hero, texting, tweeting, e-mail, and all things electronic for one day every week or every day of Lent. Use the time to read and pray.
9. Start a prayer rhythm. Say a prayer every time you brush your teeth, hear an ambulance, or check your e-mail, or text someone.
8. Read one chapter in the Bible each day. (Matthew’s a good book to start with. Psalms, too.)
7. Forgive someone who doesn’t deserve it (maybe even yourself.)
6. Give up soft drinks, fast food, tea, or coffee. Give the money you save to help folks in Haiti or others in crisis.
5. Create a daily quiet time. Spend 30 minutes a day in silence and prayer.
4. Cultivate a life of gratitude. Write someone a thank you letter each week and be aware of how many people have helped you along the way.
3. Be kind to someone each day.
2. Pray for others you see as you walk to and from classes or drive to and from work.
1. Volunteer one hour or more each week with a local shelter, tutoring program, nursing home, prison ministry, or a Habitat for Humanity project.
These are all great ideas. Whatever you choose to do to observe this Lenten season, may God richly bless you.

In Christ,


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