UM Social Principles…a provocative and stimulating study

Some subjects are difficult to talk about…anywhere with anybody.  Try starting a genuine and respectful discussion on gun control, on abortion, on capital punishment or on prayer in the schools.  It isn’t easy!  Tempers can flare.  The ties of friendship can become frayed and torn.

But without high quality discussion, our minds can be closed to any new information and the continued witness of scripture to our changing world.  Hard emotions can block any real dialogue and prohibit honest thought about what might be right and what might be wrong.

The same is true in church!  We don’t want to disrupt the tranquil relations and peace which church is known for providing.

But for four Wednesday nights, 6:30 until 7:25 in the fellowship hall, we are going to try to have respectful, thoughtful dialogue about some of the hot issues which assail our country and have brought on so much division and anger.

We will look at the United Methodist Social Principles.  They are found in the United Methodist Book of Discipline. First,  I will tell what the Social Principles are, how they are changed, who changes them and whether or not we must agree with them. (Hint: We are free to disagree with them.)

Then we will practice discussing some of them.  There are too many for only four weeks of classes.  Shall we discuss abortion rights?  How about alcohol consumption, human sexuality, human cloning, war, the rights of illegal immigrants or gambling?  I am open to suggestions.

Join us for four Wednesday nights beginning April 10.  There is no pre-registration.

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